
Hi! Welcome to Putamen.

This blog is based upon three pillars, stemming from its name.

First off, Putamen aims to be a relatively smart, relatively science-y blog. According to Wikipedia, the putamen is “a round structure located at the base of the forebrain.” It comes from the Latin “putare,” which means to think or consider. I’m not too concerned about what the brain’s putamen actually does, but I do hope that this blog is brainy, and that it makes you think and consider.

Second, Putamen aims to get into the weeds. This comes from a common frustration I have when reading or watching popular science. The facts can be fascinating, and yes, accessible, but stripped to their bare basics, the nuance and intrigue–the “weeds,” you might say–of the science are often lost. The literal translation for “putamen” in Latin is “the shell remaining from pruning,” or simply, the nutshell. This blog kind of twists that notion and starts with the nutshell. I start with tidbits, questions, and ideas that pique my interest and add the weeds back.

Third, Putamen aims to reveal the unexpected. This comes from a quote: “res aliter cecidit ac putaveram.” (Putaveram also coming from putare, for the Latin nerds). Translated literally: The situation proceeded and I had considered otherwise. Translated loosely: the results were not what I was expecting. In the course of fleshing out the shells, I want to surprise you in some unconsidered way.

Oh, and the mascot, a walnut. It looks wrinkly, like a brain, and has a prominent shell.

That’s all I got for the philosophizing. Bottom line: I like science, I started a blog, now you’re reading it. I hope you find something you’re curious about.

….aannnnd a bit about me so you know where this is coming from. I’m an MD/PhD student living in Long Island. I did a fair bit of journalism/reporting in college and didn’t want to stop. I obviously don’t have the staff or capacity for New-Yorker-style vigorous fact-checking, but I try to rely on trusted published stories, journals, etc. Whenever possible, the info will come directly from interviews with experts and others in the know. If I get something wrong, please let me know (nicely)!

Get in touch with comments, questions, and suggestions: hello@putamenblog.com